Saturday, July 24, 2010

Day 71: Saturday, July 24, 2010 - Mike

Up at 5 AM, so made it out on the bike trail much earlier.  Saw four deer, three of them spotted fawns. Spent most of the day either on the internet or packing clothes for the vacation tomorrow.  In the evening, watched the first third of Tin Man, a Sci-Fi mini-series.  Interesting take on Oz. 

Day 70: Friday, July 23, 2010 - Mike

Ran a short route on one of the warmest mornings of the summer so far.  In the afternoon, Beth and Elon S. came by the house to visit.  We had lunch with them at Diamonds Restaurant then came back to the house to chat a bit more. Nice to see them after so long.   Their two children are 3 and 1.  Ros resurrected some old toys we haven't seen in 9 or 10 years, and I could help but be reminded of Toy Story 3.

Watched some recorded shows in the evening.  Got to bed late.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Day 69: Thursday, July 22, 2010 - Mike

Biked to Rock Springs in the morning, while it was still pretty cloudy.  Read much of the day and finished off The Hunger Games.  In the evening, Ros went to her movie class and I ferried Will around to mini-golf and Dairy Queen with his peers.

Day 68: Wednesday, July 21, 2010 - Mike

Did a shorter jog today, then ran up to the office for a bit after getting a Starbuck's with Ros.  Spent the majority of the day reading The Hunger Games.

Had an EOW, which ended up being family night.  Michael H. and his family came over, and Stephen and his family came over too.  Eric came over for a while also.  

Day 67: Tuesday, July 20, 2010 - Mike

Tuesday. A rainy, storming day.  Not that it made it any less hot.  Managed to get in a longer bike ride, about 11 miles or so.  Worked on an Adviser/Advisee report at work all day.  In between, went with the family to Panera's for lunch.

Ros had book club in the evening, so Will and I played some Halo while she was out.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Day 66: Monday, July 19, 2010 - Mike

A beautiful Monday morning.

In the evening, ended up watch Watchmen, which was quite true to the graphic novel.  I thought it was a good movie.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Day 65: Sunday, July 18, 2010 - Mike

Only 20 more days of this project left.  You cannot believe how hard it is to keep up with a simple daily blog.  Multimedia features have fallen off rather substantially, but I can go back and edit some of those in.

Ros and her mom headed to Columbia, to meet brother Richard to take her back home.  She made it back around 4:30.  I did some laundry and vacuuming in the afternoon, and grabbed some groceries in the evening.

Evening family viewing included a new episode of Psych.

Day 64: Saturday, July 17, 2010 - Mike

Ran the back route, since it was already 75 degrees at 7 AM.  Even a shortened version of that.  Went to Cracker Barrel for lunch, for some down home cooking (ahem).  Read a bit and played some Civ3 in the afternoon.  Watched a Tony Bennett documentary that Clint Eastwood produced in the evening.  Called Tony Bennett: The Music Never Ends.  Interesting, but not a true performance film, as each song was interrupted multiple times with commentary and interviews.

 Fly me to the moon.

Day 62: Thursday, July 15, 2010 - Mike

Thursday means running.  Ran the Fairview route and did my two obligatory pull-ups.  Took Barb to the Bourbon Barrel for walleye, but we were a day too early and disappointed.

Located and converted a couple more texts for Am Lit.  Tried to watch the 1986 Highlander with William but he wasn't impressed with it after 20 minutes and we turned it off.  He thought it seemed a little dated.  We didn't even make it to Sean Connery.

Ros got me started on a new book, The Hunger Games.

Day 63: Friday, July 16, 2010 - Mike

Friday.  Biked 10, but saw little extraordinary nature.  Ran up to the office in the morning, still looking for a full staff for fall.  Lunched at Bourbon Barrel, for some walleye.

At 4:00, Ros and I drove down to St. Louis to take in a Cards game versus LA.  A good game, though we took off a bit early to make it home at a decent hour (12:30).  Took the Springfield route to navigate around a thunderstorm passing through the area.  Thank goodness for cell phones with radar maps.

Day 61: Wednesday, July 14, 2010 - Mike

Wednesday.  Hot.  A biking day.  Went at 6:30 and saw four deer.  I really need to ride earlier.  In the evening, William had another concert in the park, which was part of a neighborhood ice cream social.  Watched his concert, then he and Ros stayed in the park so Will could visit with some friends.