Friday, July 9, 2010

Day 55: Thursday, July 8, 2010 - Mike

A running day, but still not pull-ups.  Actually, saw a deer while running, and passed within 6 six of it. It frozen and I just zoomed by.

House-cleaning day.  My new robot replacement arrived.

Ros had movie class, so Will and I watched the first Austin Powers movie.  Yeah, baby!

Day 54: Wednesday, July 7, 2010 - Mike

Another pleasant valley Wednesday.

Had another EOW in the evening, and had a larger crowd drop by.  Interesting conversation, all 'round.  Let's see, visitors included Pat and Bill, Jim, Susan K., Deb and Ralph.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Day 53: Tuesday, July 6, 2010 - Mike

A morning shower nixed my biking plans, but certainly helped to cook up a little humidity for the day (something we've been sorely lacking and miss terribly).

Worked on a couple more etexts in the morning, for my Hardy project.  Then, of course, anytime I find and convert a text and put it on my Kindle, then I have to read a chunk of it.

Played a little Civ3 in the afternoon.  Otherwise, had an interesting chariso/eggs supper, then watched a movie called The Man From Earth, written by Jerome Bixby, a Star Trek/Twilight Zone god.  It was intellectually interesting, but took place entirely in a living room as a discussion between college professors.  (You have been warned.).  I guess it would be best to describe it as a film of ideas.

Finished the night continuing a Halo 3 campaign with Will.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Day 52: Monday, July 5, 2010 - Mike

Having a vacation day during summer vacation seems to be a cheat, somehow.  But it's a good cheat.

Ran the back route today, for a change.  Did not do pull-ups/sit-ups etc., as I think I slightly pulled a muscle in my shoulder a few days ago.

Otherwise, located, gathered, and reformatted more Am Lit texts, read more in my fantasy short story book, and played a bit of WoW.  Took a drive in the Miata in the afternoon, to get out of the house a bit.

Watched a movie called Moon, in the evening.  Interesting version of what we will do in order to obtain energy in the modern world.  An OK flick.

Day 51: Sunday, July 4, 2010 - Mike

Ros and I went for a short bike ride in the morning, before it got too hot.

In the afternoon, went over to Ralph and Deb's house south of town and had an enjoyable time visiting with folks who stayed in Decatur for the holidays.

Watched our final Danger UXB episode.  Ash survives after all and finds happiness in the post-bomb world of south England.  I can't say that watching the series was a blast but it wasn't a total dud either.  Certainly better than 90% of what plays on TV now.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Day 50: Saturday, July 3, 2010 - Mike

Another beautiful summer day.  Cool low 70s in the morning.  And glory be to Saint Sprocket, patron saint of bicyclers, the Rock Springs path was open again, so I got my 10 mile ride in without having to fight traffic.

Chopped on bushes during the midmorning, then did a Panera's run for lunch.   Visited the Decatur Lake Festival  in the late afternoon, but it is such a shadow of its former self.  Had a corn dog.

Walked the pups with Will then watched a second-to-last Danger UXB.  Two explosions, both officers.  Boom.  boom.