Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Day 60: Tuesday, July 13, 2010 - Mike

All Star Break.  So wrote a midseason report for my Yahoo league.  Worked up at the office all morning.  Quite hot, as the air in Shilling was out.  Trying to find more adjuncts for fall semester. A quite afternoon.

In the evening, we all watched an interesting little movie, Sunshine Cleaning.  It tried hard to be Little Miss Sunshine in some ways, but had some redeeming features.  And I thought Emily Blunt's performance was a strong one.  

Day 59: Monday, July 12, 2010 - Mike

A gloomy, overcast day, with some sprinkles from time to time.  Dropped Will off at band practice and had a Starbuck's, then home for lunch.  An afternoon of reading and WoW, then supper at home.  Pork steaks tonight. Ros and I watched Capitalism, A Love Story for the evening, while Will played one of his birthday games.  MM is getting a bit repetitive in his flicks these days. 

Day 58: Sunday, July 11, 2010 - Mike

Rode the bike in the morning. Then took Will to Panera's for his birthday lunch. Drop him and Alex and Alex's girlfriend off at the movies in the afternoon, then had pizza for supper and opened some gifts.  In the evening, we watched the 2009 movie, Zombieland.  Nicely entertaining.  The perfect birthday movie.

Day 57: Saturday, July 10, 2010 - Mike

Read out on the veranda in the morning, then had a nice breakfast.  Rode briefly on the KATY, then picked Ros' mom up at Midway.   Drove back and picked up some Micky D's for supper.

Day 56: Friday, July 9, 2010 - Mike

A bike day, out to Rock Springs.  A large turkey ran in front of me.

After lunch, Will went to Alex's house and Ros and I drove to Rocheport, Missouri.  Checked into the Amber House B&B, then went up to Les Bourgeois Winery and had a bottle, looking out over the flooded river.  Next, had supper at Abigail's.  Outstanding meal.  Took a walk on the trail afterward, then turned in for the evening.