Friday, June 25, 2010

Day 41: Thursday, June 25, 2010 - Mike

A wonderfully cool morning, after a cool front came through the area.  Sunny, too.  Ran the Fairview route, then went up to the office to work a bit.  Ate lunch at home, and mostly read Neverwhere during the afternoon.

Ros was away at her movie class in the evening.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Day 40: Wednesday, June 24, 2010 - Mike

Woke at 6:00.  Biked out to Wykles, where they are working on the bridge, as all the usual bike paths are flooded out.  Bought a new shop vac at Farm and Fleet.

Messed with another Comcast network outage in the afternoon.  Had an EOW gathering in the evening.  Dave, Mary and Susan dropped by.

Day 39: Tuesday, June 23, 2010 - Mike

A very wet, stormy summer day.  Ran the Fairview route between torrential downpours.  Had two waves of storms come through during the morning and early afternoon.  Otherwise, a laundry, reading, relaxing day. No WoW, as servers were being upgraded (a typical Tuesday thing).

Watched Danger UXB in the evening, but no one was blown up.  Ros had book club.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Day 38: Monday, June 22, 2010 - Mike

Woke around 7:00, after the usual evening thunderstorms, and had a quick breakfast, loaded up the car, and headed home.

Drove the "northern" route, on 36.  Stopped at Hannibal for lunch, then finished off the trip.

Day 37: Sunday, June 21, 2010 - Mike

First official day of summer, though it feels like it's been summer for quite some time in the Midwest.  Had breakfast compliments of Holiday Inn, then visited Ros' mom again.  Drove up to North Topeka for lunch at a little "mom and pop" place that had wonderful pies.   Cruised around Ros' old haunts when she was a little girl, living next to her grandmother.

Came back to the hotel to chill for the afternoon (95 degrees outside), read and play some WoW.  Pick Ros up and had supper at an excellent Chinese restaurant.  Watched a couple of movies today.  Evan Almighty and the new version of Star Trek.

Turned in a bit late, at around ten-ish.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Day 36: Saturday, June 20, 2010 - Mike

After a nice breakfast of lemon verbina blueberry muffins, drove up to Topeka for the Harmon family union.  Had a nice and interesting storm pass overhead, swirling clouds included.  Otherwise, a nice family outing.  Visited Barb's new apartment, then settled in at the Holiday Inn for the night.